Let's learn about our skeleton! This printable human bones anatomy lesson is a perfect addition to your homeschool science curriculum. Cut out the individual bones and assemble them using brad pins to make the joints moveable. Then you can attach your skeleton to the main page (I used Velcro dots) to label each bone. Also included is a "Skeleton Vocabulary" page to learn more about each bone.
::: I N S T A N T ♥ D O W N L O A D :::
**This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD. No physical items will be mailed to you.** After purchase you will receive an email receipt with a link to download your purchase. You will receive a PDF file for printing on regular 8.5”x11” paper. I recommend printing on heavy cardstock and laminating for durability.
::: S H O W ♥ O F F :::
I’d love to see you and your little ones enjoying your new learning activity! Be sure to tag me @arrowsandapplesauce and use #applesaucemama.
::: T H E ♥ L E G A L ♥ S T U F F :::
This printable is intended for personal use only. Not for resale. You may not copy, alter, or share these digital files. Thank you! See my shop policies for more info.
Book in photos: Human Body Theater, Maris Wicks